Expected Outcome

Expected Outcome

At the end of the 3/4 years of WATS (2021 – 2024), at least 35 young good quality PhD graduates of Mathematics in the four areas covered by WATS will be produced across the West African Sub-region.

A Network of young, well-trained researchers involving Francophone, Anglophone and Lusophone participants will be created. These researchers will be capable of conducting collaborative research on particular problems confronting the Sub-region and will also be publishing their high-quality findings in reputable international journals.

This group of at least 35 well-trained mathematicians will constitute a critical group that will help to train the next generation of Scientists and Engineers capable of tackling some of the numerous challenges facing the West African Sub-region. For example, supplying scientists and teachers for the numerous inadequately-staffed institutions of higher learning in the sub-region.

Last, but not the least, bringing young students from Francophone, Anglophone and Lusophone countries to work together will lead to better understanding and promote peace and respect among these countries. In August 2003, we organised the first West African Training School which completed its three-year cycle on 30 September 2005 at Saint-Louis University, Gaston Berger. 18 (Eighteen) students followed a 24 week-training consisting of 360 hours of coursework and 240 hours of tutorials, during eight weeks each year from September to August starting in 2000